What’s On
- Saturday 7th
- Music for Lunch. 12.00 noon. Students from Trinity Laban Conservatoire.
- Tuesday 10th
- Mothers’ Union. 7.30 p.m. in the Abbey Church. Speaker: Caroline Moores.
- Saturday 14th
- Benefice Churches walk for the Feast of the Holy Cross, starting at 10.00 a.m. outside the Abbey Church. If you wish, you can sponsor the walkers through Just Giving.
- And after Music for Lunch, you will be able to walk the path of a labyrinth laid out on the floor of the church. Labyrinths have been used in Christian churches for centuries as an aid to contemplative prayer, symbolising life’s journey with its ups and downs and reminding us that even when we feel lost God’s salvation is at the centre of life. Whether you pray as you walk, or just follow the path for fun you will be very welcome.
- “Sponsored Ride and Stride”: The annual Friends of Essex Churches sponsored bike ride and walk. 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
- Music for Lunch. 12.00 noon. Chamber Music for violin, cello and piano performed by students from Trinity Laban Conservatoire.
- Saturday 21st
- Abbey Church Harvest Supper with Fun Table Quiz. 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in the Abbey Church Centre. £10 per person. Tickets from the Olive Branch or the Tourist Information Office.
- Saturday 21st
- Music for Lunch. 12.00 noon. Cambridge Renaissance Voices.
- Saturday 28th
- Music for Lunch. 12.00 noon. Jonathan Lilley (organ). Organ anniversary special.
Further information from the Parish Office.
For more information about services at the Abbey Church, see